Add Your Business / Website URL
VISITOR ATTRACTIONS - You automatically get a FEATURED listing for FREE!! If your Visitor Attraction is not in the directory, please contact us
You have a choice of two options when advertising your business on
Featured listing
Featured listings have an annual fee of £15 and offer the following benefits:
- The listing will be on both the directory page and on the information page for the nearest town or village.
- Featured listings ALWAYS come above free listings, for relevant searches.
- Nearby places pages (containing your featured listing) are designed to target search engines so your listing is more likely to be found on Google, Yahoo and Bing searches.
- There is a 650 character limit for your description (as opposed to a 250 character limit for free listings).
- You can add a photograph to your listing.
- You are under no obligation to link back to site (though it is still much appreciated)
- All your contact details are displayed as standard.
IMPORTANT! Only businesses located in or very close to the Rhins are permitted!
Free listing
Anyone who meets the following criteria can have a free directory listing (including a link to your website) on site:
- Your business MUST be located in or close to the Rhins.
- Your MUST have a link on your website to like so: Visit Stranraer & the Rhins
- HTML: <a href="">Visit Stranraer & The Rhins</a>
Free listings are limited in the following ways:
- No photographs.
- No contact details - apart from the business' name being a link to your website.
- The listing appears only in the directory and no where else on the site.
- Business description is limited to 250 characters.